WELCOME! If we were meeting in person, I would be hugging you and telling you how glad I am to meet you. Consider yourself hugged, I am so happy you are here.
I’m Michelle Cochran; a writer and coach.
I’m a simple girl from a trailer park. Somehow God found me there.
He taught me how to freely love and lead as an individual, in the better story He was authoring as my life.
Because of Him I’m a tender heart with a warrior spirit, here to cultivate courage, story, and the production of both.
I love truth-telling, words, story, dance, and potential.
I have wild hair, a big mouth, and an unruly passion for Jesus.
God so loved this world He gave His only Son to come and save it. He is still saving it through His children; His daughters.
So He has called me to encourage His holy divergent daughters of light, to rise up and lead in their individual stories. The ones who believe and are ready to make their personal difference.
So, as one of my favorite greeting cards reads (from curly head designs): “I’m packing up my potential and all that I have learned, grabbing a cute pair of shoes, and setting out to change a few things.”
I will share my findings through this blog as I gad about and coach people, listen to stories, and hear potential.
I will speak at length about the greatness that is in you, the possibilities in your story, and the responsibility you have as the light in the world.
I will challenge you to become more courageous and adventurous in the production of your life story.
I will invite you when I host a gathering. Because there is NOTHING like gathering a group of awesome women growing in Christ, nothing.
It is no coincidence our paths have crossed. I hope we share a laugh and some heart to heart talks.
I can’t wait to hear how He is authoring your story to lead.
You are God’s Strong Girl Production. You are meant to change things, set the tone and raise the bar. Not by doing grandiose things, but by doing your thing.
Subscribe Below & Live A Story That Leads.
Courageous Love & Blessings to you,
Michelle Cochran
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The Girls:
Meet Crissie Bacon, she is one of my “right-hand-gals” for assisting with live events, and a long-time friend.
Crissie owned her own coffee business; Café Expresso before coffee was even cool, she has killer entrepreneurial instincts
and ideas, not to mention she still makes a mean cup-o-joe! She is a triple-threat…because she bakes and cooks as a hobby too,
pretty smart having her around, huh? 😉 She is the mom to three adult children, and one K-9 son named Walter. Most
importantly she is a dear and loyal friend to all, and a growing Christian woman, just like all of us.