A Little Lady Who Leads
My husband loves any big “happening” in town or around, as well as, history and architecture. So this weekend we took a random trip
to downtown Detroit to see the city-block wide motion picture set of the new Transformers movie starring Mark Wahlberg. I must admit it
was pretty cool. After much eeewing and aaaahing we took a walk around the city to admire the buildings and history. It was the right
amount of cloudy to not be too hot, families were out riding bikes, and music woffed through the air begging us to at least come listen, if not throw our hands in the air to “ya
make me wanna shout…”
We found ourselves standing amidst a block party in front of a beautiful old church built in the 1830’s, I had to go in. It was as beautiful inside as out, and we were greeted by
Gary, who eagerly shared the church’s history and his love for it, with a spark in his eye. He talked about revival, the people in the city, and the great things he could see
happening in and around the church and city, which is why they held this block party every year for the homeless. Funny, I didn’t recognize it as that when I walked into the
church but was just lit up as I walked back out to it. I’m not sure exactly what I would have expected it to look like, but there was an air of joy that lifted everyone there, a joy that
you might not expect to find with people who are experiencing hard personal and economic times.
My husband went for the hot dog line, while I danced with a senior gentleman shaking himself and a stuffed rabbit like he had just learned to dance and couldn’t help himself.
Eventually we sat in the grass on a little hill beside the street, watching, listening, tapping our feet and stuffing ourselves with hot dogs.
When out of nowhere a little girl came plopped herself right down beside me on the grass, smiling with a sweet gentle smile, and carrying a homemade
knapsack. With hardly a breath or hesitation and a spark in her eye she began her pitch “Hi my name is Asia Ann and I am selling these homemade candles (she pulls them from
the bag in sandwich baggie and hint of dirt on them) I am only asking ten dollars for them because I am going to use the money for school supplies and clothes for school, it’s
important to look your best.” she finally breathes. Well, she had me at hello, but my heart lit up seeing her entrepreneurial efforts first of all. Then she continues “I also want to
go to college and I will become the mayor of Detroit one day!”
I’m telling you it was all I could do to stay seated, I wanted to jump up and shout right along with that music just to see the light, hope, dreams, and effort of that young lady.
It was another validation that whether you are talking about and sharing your efforts as a church, a business, or an individual with a dream…when you share it from the light
burning within you, it puts a spark in your eye and hope in your heart, and it’s effective. It touches other hearts and lights them up too, it reminds them to hope,
dream and become. I couldn’t give her my money fast enough, and not because of her age and her adorable smile ( although it was adorable) but because of who she was
being…a light, an example, a leader.
Thank you Gary & Asia Ann and keep beaming!
(1) awesome folk have had something to say...
Jane Robinson -
August 19, 2013 at 6:52 pm
We were in Detroit Saturday night for a Tiger baseball game. It was alive and hopping. Next door in Ford Field was a Kenny Chesney concert and Detroit has a Dream Car Classic Cruise. Thousands upon thousands people in one concentration. Street performers singing, playing instruments, tail-gating attendees and people from all walks of life.
Like your Gary & Asia, we met people who’s spirit beamed and reminded me of the Hope – with a capital H. A lesson for all.