Love Heals
A few months ago I happened across this organization called Thistle Farms, its mantra is ‘Love Heals,’ to which I shout a big, “Amen!” I was instantly moved and inspired by its mission, and its founder Becca Stevens. So much so, I hosted a Meet Up to share it with local women who lead in our community. They were as moved and inspired as I was.
A few weeks have passed now and I continue to follow and love all that they are up to in their community, and in the world. The example they are, the hope and healing they bring, and constant inspiration overwhelms my heart.
Today, I saw this new video they released:
Levi, is Becca Stevens son, and he has written a song about one of the survivors and employees of Thistle Farms, her name is Gwen. Watching this video keeps me in awe of the ripple effect Thistle Farms has and the constant blessing God is making this organization in the lives it touches.
Each and every single one of us has the ability to let God use His love through us to heal, help, guide, and lead. It can be as simple as a genuine smile to someone we pass on the street, writing a song, or as big as starting a movement or organization. However the love of God wants to be expressed through you.
This I know for sure, there is not a shortage of hurt, lost, and broken people to love on. Look around your current circle of friends and influence and ask God to show you His heart for them. People who are walking right beside us can be hurting and hiding in silence.
Several months ago I bought a greeting card because I knew it would be perfect for the right person at the right time. I almost used it few times but every time I would go to get it out and I would read it, I would hear one friends name, so I saved it.
This friend is an amazing woman with a beautiful heart, always giving of herself. The other day she shared with me that she has some health issues. In the midst of her dismissively sharing them with me, she goes right back to talking about those who need her help right now.
The very next morning I flashed to that card in my mind and heard her name. I delivered it later that afternoon along with some flowers, she loved the card. I could tell how much it touched her, and in that moment I knew and I told her, it had been for her all along. I pray she felt seen, acknowledged, and loved.
It didn’t cost a lot of time or money, just some obedience and love for my friend. She hugged me more than once and seemed to leave a little lighter. Isn’t it always God’s perfectly timed love in a gesture, a word, or deed that keeps us up and able?
God’s love is so good. It literally changes and heals everything and everyone it touches. This may not be new news, but it is important news to remember and utilize.
Becca Stevens, her son Levi, and the women of Thistle Farms are a radiant example of God’s love in action. Seeing it makes me want to love more effectively and intentionally. I’m grateful for their work and your willing heart today. Together we make a difference. A big difference. #LoveHeals
How will you be God’s love in action today?
I pray God will bless you with a full heart, holy insight, and brave love.
Love Strong,
(2) awesome folk have had something to say...
Valerie Hunsberger -
March 12, 2016 at 11:34 pm
Your example of love and encouragement for others is profoundly effective. You are a beautiful light in this dark world!
Michelle Cochran -
March 15, 2016 at 9:19 pm
You are too sweet Valerie!!