Those Obnoxious Jones’s

By Posted in - Strong Girl News on October 15th, 2015 1 Comments

I have never met the Jones’s, even though they supposedly live right next door to me, but I have to say I don’t like them very much.

They apparently have everything I ever wanted in my whole life and they like to dangle it in front of me like a carrot.

They taunt with calls from the side yard, “don’t you wish you had_____, everyone else including me has it or is doing it?”

It feels like they hang on my ‘fences’ clamoring for my attention, causing distraction and angst. Speaking to every insecurity and encouraging me to go faster and work harder. They tell me “if so and so can do it, why can’t you?” or “It’s just how it’s done, do it, or get left behind.” 


They try to steal my peace with their noise and rhetoric and sometimes they are successful. They chide “build a platform, work harder, chase more, keep up with social media, look at how fast she is growing.” Even as I type this there is a place inside that wants to agree with them. I love to work and achieve.

But nothing on earth gets me fired up faster than oppression, in any form!  I hate it. Especially for my sisters in Christ, whom I know have incredible gifts, and want to serve and lead well with them.

I am seeing and hearing so many sisters out there who seem to have the same annoying neighbors as I do. But those neighbors are nothing more than oppressors. Their job is truly to get you to try and keep up with them and everyone else. It’s time to tell them to move. Not move a few houses down, or the next block over, but preferably to another planet, or right back to hell where they came from. 

We must speak to those Jones’s in authority and out loud, deny their ability to distract you from God’s plan, and path for you! A path and plan to give you hope and a future. A path that happens only in the gentle, yet  powerful, flow of His love.

God’s love is vast, peaceful, profound, and we want to make as much room for His love to expand as possible. First internally, then in our homes, neighborhoods, and communities. So they must go, every last Jones’ we listen to or covet. remembering that the second we wander, by listening to those nosey neighbors, Jesus comes to find us, and bring us home to His neighborhood.

He will set a boundary, close a door, whatever it takes to get your attention, while standing there with His door and arms wide open, waiting. He will wrap you in grace, peace, and His perfect rest. Then He’ll remind you that He doesn’t need social media, a platform, fame, or position, to deliver His message through you. He just needs your attention, your willing heart, and your belief.

Platforms, social media, marketing etc. are great tools, but that is all they are.

Today, let’s kick the Jones’s to the curb, we may have to do it again tomorrow, but so what, we’ll build some muscle. Let’s take a strong girl stand in the truth of God’s peace and power. It will set us free, and then He will move us exactly where and when He wants us! There, we will find true effectiveness in our messages and stories, to lead.

See ya later Jones’s, sweet freedom in Jesus is calling, and you’re not invited to this block party!

Love Strong,



(1) awesome folk have had something to say...

  • Jane Robinson - Reply

    November 3, 2015 at 6:43 pm

    Those #$% Jones’s. Thank you for a powerful post to remind us of the real POWER in our life.

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