And She’s Off!

Happy New Year Strong Girls!! I hope you had a blessed and happy holiday season with your family & friends.
I, as any recovering perfectionist, had my tree theme picked out, gatherings planned, goodies made, shopping mostly finished & meals all in order for Christmas, and I loved every moment of it. We had a new grandson to oogle and aaah over this Chrsistmas making it extra special. I was the worst ooogler of them all! I loved the music, church time, coffees with friends, and awe and wonder of Jesus.
But something hit me the day after Christmas, at first I thought it was a fluke of zealousness given that I had actually done it all. But no, this was a rising up
of hope, joy, excitement for whatever will come next in this wild life, with a dash of tenacity mixed in.
Next thing I knew I was out of my comfy chair, and a bout of staring, and going at my Christmas tree as if I were being timed or something. Within about 2 hours I would dare you to find a hint that Christmas even happened at my house! It, whatever IT was, continued right through the next two days. My Inbox went from over 3,000 (yes 3,000 – I might just NEEEED that one email newsletter or podcast) to just 8. My “studio” went from housing leftover expo & event materials, and whatever else was in the house we didn’t know what to do with, to clutter free and organized…even the closet. My desktop was clear and so was my calendar for January, I made a plan, a daily schedule for work and productivity, the laundry was even put away.
My 2015 was off to raging good start, and all I could think about was that today was THE DAY! The day I started this new schedule, plan, and “decks cleared” life and I was over the moon!
I woke up early, sat with my coffee for devotions (this is definitely in the schedule), and before I knew it the phone rang, the cats wanted out, the kid stopped by, I had a lunch date with a friend, and my perfectly planned, to the hour, day of productivity was hi-jacked and of course it’s their fault and not my “shiny object syndrome” problem! I mean really?! What do they say about the best laid plans?
My hope is to encourage you if you found yourself in any form this type scenario. This is life, and as long as it keeps happening so must we, even when it doesn’t happen the way we plan. God can use every single one of our days to teach us something, whether it was on our calendar or not. I am learning to laugh at “my plans” in these moments, to revel in how special and joy-filled a day can be, and to be focused on the living, breathing, and daring of every single gifted day, to just keep showing up to do my part. Whatever He says that is.
Welcome to 2015 and His best laid plans for you and your story to lead! God Bless!
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